

  • Naékna didorong ku biaya ngajaga harga botol PET Asia dina tren naek salami dua minggu

    Naékna didorong ku biaya ngajaga harga botol PET Asia dina tren naek salami dua minggu

    by Pınar Polat - ppolat@chemorbis.com PET bottle prices across Asia have been gaining ground for the past two weeks, mainly driven by higher upstream values. Some players have reported signals of a slight recovery in demand, which has also reinforced firmer sentiment. Ch...
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  • Pasar botol PET Asia ngageser arah saatos naék dua bulan

    Pasar botol PET Asia ngageser arah saatos naék dua bulan

    by Pınar Polat - ppolat@chemorbis.com In Asia, PET bottle prices have retreated this week after following a stable to firmer trend since late February. ChemOrbis Price Index shows that the weekly averages of spot prices even hit a 5-month high in the first half of April....
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  • Pasar Resin PET diperkirakeun ngadaptarkeun CAGR 5%

    Numutkeun laporan panalungtikan pasar anyar anu judulna "Pasar Résin Poliétilén Terephthalate (PET) - (2023 - 2028)", diperkirakeun tumbuh dina CAGR 5%. Numutkeun kana OICA, manufaktur mobil naék 3% dina tungtungna. taun 2021 dibandingkeun taun saméméhna, sareng ...
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